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Well, that looks different...

June 22, 2023, 11:40 a.m.

The good things we've been able to do over the past (less than a ) year have been because we've been able to share ideas and get OxCAN volunteers organized to make your ideas a reality.

And that's the way we have structured our new website- not only as a way to get the latest news (by clicking on the News link above), but as an app so that you can easily log ideas as you see them around town. Register as a user and tag places in Oxford that could benefit from some OxCAN love. Give other readers a summary of your idea, and in the spirit of participatory budgeting, let everyone know a proposed cost for your idea.Take some time to look at the ideas that have been shared, and give them an upvote if you like the idea. If you've got some positive feedback, leave a comment- feedback is a gift.

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